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zkAlpha connects quant traders and liquidity providers w/o revealing the strategy through the use of zkSNARKs. I was responsible for the protocol design, smart contract pseudocode, and zero-knowledge circuits. My teammates contributed to frontend, smart contract development based on pseudocode, and demo. The project won 7 prizes (including Filecoin grand prize and 1inch 2nd place) and 8863 USD in total out of 1400 attendees and 321 projects.

Bulk Mint NFTs

I identified and exploited a weakness in a smart contract to mint multiple NFTs in one transaction bypassing a one per account restriction. I reminded the company and asked for permission before using the code moderately.

Qiskit ALCom Provider

We integrated a new quantum simulator to the Qiskit Aer library and won the Best Presentation Award of NTU-IBMQ 2020 QCamp.


I programmed a NoGo AI based on Monte Carlo Tree Search with Rapid Action Value Estimation in C++. This is the individual study project in the 2019 fall semester at NCTU CGI lab advised by Dr.I-Chen Wu.

Last update: 2023-09-15