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Quantum Information Theory: CHSH Game

\[ %2020/12/19 latex macro from Exponential Algorithmic Speedup with Quantum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Definitions \newcommand{\<}{\langle} \renewcommand{\>}{\rangle} % \newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation}} \newcommand{\ee}{\end{equation}} \newcommand{\bea}{\begin{eqnarray}} \newcommand{\eea}{\end{eqnarray}} % \newcommand{\cond}[1]{\left\{\begin{array}{l@{~~~}l}#1\end{array}\right.} \newcommand{\qph}[1]{quant-ph/#1} % \newcommand{\BPP}{{\mathrm{BPP}}} \newcommand{\BQP}{{\mathrm{BQP}}} \newcommand{\ent}{{\textsc{entrance}}} \newcommand{\exit}{{\textsc{exit}}} \renewcommand{\root}{{\textsc{root}}} % \renewcommand{\d}{{\mathrm{d}}} \newcommand{\sech}{\mathop{\mathrm{sech}}\nolimits} \newcommand{\Ai}{\mathop{\mathrm{Ai}}\nolimits} \newcommand{\poly}{\mathop{\mathrm{poly}}\nolimits} \newcommand{\col}{\mathop{\mathrm{col}}\nolimits} % \newcommand\symProb{\mathop{\mathrm{Pr}}\displaylimits} \newcommand\symExpec{\mathop{\mathrm{E}}\displaylimits} \def\prob#1#2{\symProb_{#1}\left[ #2 \right]} \def\expec#1#2{\symExpec_{#1}\left[ #2 \right]} \]

Quantum Information Theory: CHSH Game

NYCU CS, Yan-Tong Lin

Postulates of QM (Quick Review)

  • States of Systems are Unit Vectors in Hilbert Spaces
  • Evolutions are linear transforms on the Hilbert space
  • Measurements are Collections of Operators
  • Composition of Systems is like doing tensor product

Quantum State and Qubit

- single-qubit system - $|0\rangle :=$ a state representing bit $0$ - multi-qubit system - $|00\rangle := |0\rangle \otimes |0\rangle$ - $|00\rangle, |01\rangle, |10\rangle, |11\rangle$ - n qubit system has $2^n$ bases


- $|0\rangle + |1\rangle$ - linear combinations of states are allowed - a [reference]( to why we think so

Note: This is a talk that is good for trying to understand superposition.


- $|\psi\rangle = \alpha|0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle \ni \alpha, \beta \in \mathbb{C}$ - when we try to "measure" the state - $Pr(M(|\psi\rangle) \to |0\rangle) = |\alpha|^2$ - $|\psi\rangle=\sum a_i |i\rangle \implies \sum |a_i|^2 =1$ - normalization

Note: This is just measurement in computational basis, not general measurement A set of operators satisfying certain conditions can do

Unitary Evolution

- norm perservation is required - $\langle Ux, Uy \rangle = \langle x, y \rangle \implies UU^{\dagger}=I$


- we can get states that have spooky behaviors - $|00\rangle + |11\rangle$ - the measurement result to the first bit must be the same as the second bit - Today's aim is to demo the power of entanglement

The CHSH Game

  • Desciption
  • Best Classical Deterministic Strategy
  • Best Private Random Variable Strategy
  • Best Shared Random Variable Strategy
  • Strategy using Entanglement


  • maximize \(P(a\oplus b= s\wedge t|s,t)\)

Note: - Alice and Bob - given \(a, b\) i.i.d. uniform - produce \(x, y\) without communication - can use policy \(\pi\)

Best Classical Deterministic Strategy

  • \(a_0 \oplus b_0 = 0\)
  • \(a_0 \oplus b_1 = 0\)
  • \(a_1 \oplus b_0 = 0\)
  • \(a_1 \oplus b_1 = 1\)
  • cannot satisfy all, atmost 3 out of 4

Best Private Random Variable Strategy

  • allow \(Alice(s, \text{her coin})\)
  • discuss for each outcome of their coins
    • \(\sum_{xy\in\{0,1\}^2} P_{xy}P_{\pi_{xy}}(a\oplus b= s\wedge t|s,t)\)
      • note: independence of \(x,y\) and \(s,t\)
    • each is deterministic so is at most \(\frac34\)

Note: correct me if i am wrong

Best Shared Random Variable Strategy

  • allow \(Alice(s, \text{their coin})\)
  • discuss for each outcome of their coin

Strategy using Quantum Entanglement

- success prob = \(cos(\frac\pi8)^2\) for each case


  • Conclusion
    • There can be something that differs the two framework fundamentally!
  • Please think of what is not given in this talk but potentially important
  • What questions do you want to ask?

Reference FYI

- some lecture notes - - - [Non-locality and Communication Complexity, A Review Paper]( - [MIT OCW - Quantum Physics I]( - [MIT OCW - Quantum Computation, Shor]( - [QCQI, Neilson and Chuang]( - [QIP 2021 Tutorial on Quantum Algorithms]( - An amazing talk but not so newbie-friendly - inluding linking quantum to representation theory (solving HSP with QFT)

Last update: 2023-09-15