Algebra II¶
2021/2/22 - Recap and Roadmap for this semester¶
Recap (Some missing)¶
- Group
- cyclic
- abelien
- product of cyclic
- non-abelian
- Sn/An/Dn/Q
- Ring
- Integral Domain (No zero divisor)
- Field
- Field Extension (with multiplicative inverse)
- finite/algebraic/transcendental
- introduction to Galois(\(F_{P^k}\))
- Integral Domain (No zero divisor)
Hilight: CRT, RSA,UFD, GF, FTA
- Group
- group action
- Cauchy Theorem
- Burnside's Lemma
- product of two subgroups
- existence of normal subgroup
- Sylow Theorems
- existence of subgroup of certain size
- when it will be normal
- proof corollary: \(A_5\) is the smallest simple group
- Note: simple group := group w/o normal subgroup
- group action
- Ring
- \(Z/nZ\)
- Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Chinese Remainder Theorem
- non-communative ring
- quaternion algebra and 3D rotation
- 3 Integral Domain
- Fermat's Last Theorem, case n=3
- ED
- \(Z/nZ\)
- Field
- Galois Theory
- Finite
- Infinite
- i.e. study field extension with group
- applications
- Foundamental Theorem of Algebra
- Solving equation by Radical
- Three Greek Geometric Problems
- Galois Theory
2021/2/25 - Group Action, Stabilizer and Orbit¶
Group Action¶
- Definition
- \(*:G\times X \to X\), \(G\) is a group, \(X\) is a set
- \(*(g, x) \text{ write as } gx\)
- satisfy
- \(*(e,x)=x \forall x\)
- \(*(g_2, *(g_1, x)) = *(g_2g_1,x)\)
- another point of view
- \(\rho:G\to S_X\) s.t. \(*(g,x)=\rho(g)(x)\)
- group homomorphism \(G \to S_X\)
- Remarks
- think of its kernel!
- Examples
- Group Action of \(G\) on \(X=G\)
- left multiplication
- \(\rho:G\to S_G, \rho(g)(x)=gx\)
- conjugate
- \(\rho:G\to Aut(G), \rho(g)(x)=gxg^{-1}\)
- left multiplication
- Group Action of \(G\) on \(X=G/H\)
- left multiplication
- \(ker_{\rho}=\bigcap_{x\in G}xHx^{-1}=\text{the largest normal subgroup contained in H}\)
- left multiplication
- Group Action of \(G\) on \(X=G\)
- Additional Property
- faithful
- \(e \text{ is the only element in G that } ex = x \forall x \in X\)
- transitive
- \(\forall x_1, x_2, \exists g\in G \ni x_1=gx_2\)
- faithful
Stabilizer and Orbit¶
- Definition
- \(G_x = \{g \in G :~gx=x \text{ for some }g\}\)
- \(G_X = \{x \in X :~gx_0=x \text{ for some }g\}\) for some \(x_0\)
- defined by eq. class induced partition
- Thm.
- \(|G_X| = [G:G_x]\)
- proof by isomorphism
- \(|G_X| = [G:G_x]\)
- Thm. - the theorem of fixed subset of p-groups
- \(|X| \equiv |X^G| \mod p\) when \(G\) is p-group
- \(X^G = \bigcap_g X^g\), \(X^g=\{x\in X: gx=x\}\)
- \(|X| \equiv |X^G| \mod p\) when \(G\) is p-group
Applications of "theorem of fixed subset of p-groups"¶
- Lemma - group of order \(p\) is cyclic (\(Z_p\))
- pf: Lagrange
- Thm. - p-group has non-trivial \(Z(G)\)
- Class Equation
- Thm. - group of order \(p^2\) is abelian
- PBC, suppose not, \(Z(G), G/Z(G) \cong Z_p\)
- Thm. - Cauchy thm.
- suppose \(p| |G|\), \(G\) has an element of order \(p\)
- pf sketch
- \(X = \{(g_1,g_2,...,g_p) : g_1...g_p=e\}\)
- \(P = <(1,2,...,p)>~\subset S_p\)
- \(X^P\) has non-trivial element, but it can only be in the form of \((g,g,g...,g)\)
Burnsides, application and \(H\wedge N\)¶
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