Note for ECE 598PV, Spring 2021¶
Notations and Theorems¶
- \(T\) hardness of POW (\(hash < T\))
- \(\lambda\) mining rate
- \(\beta\) fraction of adversial
- \(\beta \lambda\) adversial power
- \(\alpha = 1 - \beta\) fraction of honest nodes
- \(\frac{\alpha}{1+\alpha\lambda} \lambda\) honest power when forking for delay
Bitcoin Theorems¶
- Common Prefix
- hold with exponential prop if \(\beta\lambda < \frac{\alpha \lambda}{1+\alpha\lambda\Delta}\)
- Chain Growth
- \(CG \ge \frac{\alpha \lambda}{1+\alpha\lambda\Delta}\)
- Chain Quality
- \(CQ \ge \frac{CG-\beta\lambda}{CG}\)
- Block is for batch processing txs.
- Chain is for determining the unique total ordering.
- Blocktree (forking) is inevitable in the presence of asynchrony.
- Consensus is to
- (non-triviality) decide when fork
- (security) ensure the choice will not change in the future
- (liveness) ensure new tx comes in
- Sharding is to
- avoid full replication of storage and computation
- allow XCMP
- To achieve sharding in a uniconsensus scheme
- data availability
- data integrity
- shard liveness
- For nakamoto-like
- Chain Growth + Chain Quility = Liveness
- Common Prefix = Security
Module 1. --- Bitcoin¶
4.P2P network¶
- Model as P2P model
- expander graph =>gossip is O(logn)
- can define GST here instead of 6.
5. Bitcoin system¶
- UTXO model (set of unspent output)
- TXs (special coinbase txs that mint coins)
- Mempool
6. Bitcoin safety¶
- Mining as a Poisson(\(\lambda\))
- Common Prefix Property
- Private Attack is the Worst for Longest Chain Protocol
- Analysis
- 0 Delay (Ideal)
- Bounded Delay
- Forking => Honest Power Down
- Attack success if \(\beta\lambda > \frac{\alpha \lambda}{1+\alpha\lambda\Delta}\)
7. Bitcoin liveness¶
- Chain Growth
- \(CG \ge \frac{\alpha \lambda}{1+\alpha\lambda\Delta}\)
- Chain Quality
- \(CQ \ge \frac{CG-\beta\lambda}{CG}\)
- Selfish Mining Attack
- Ming and publish to replace honest block
- Maximizing Chain Quality by Fruitchain
- crpytography sortition of tx blocks and proposer blocks
- proposer blocks and proposed txs not included in
- CG is geranteed by hardness of \(T_{prop}\)
- CQ is optimized by allowing past txs to be included
Module 2. --- Scaling Bitcoin¶
8. Scaling throughput¶
- Bitcoin’s throughput is security limited
- throughput \(= \alpha\lambda B\)
- increase \(B\) => increase \(\Delta\)
- \(\Delta \approx \frac{B}{C}+D\)
- increase \(\lambda, \Delta\) => security down by theorem
- GHOST fork choice rule
- counter private attack
- private cannot be heaviest
- but suffers from balance attack
- analyze the second moment to get \(E(|N_l − N_r|)\) by CS ineq
- Sudo Yaun says there are "uncles" to prevent balance attack
- counter private attack
- Bitcoin-NG
- proposer create tx blocks after elected
- security problem: adaptive corruption => DOS attack
- Prism 1.0
- ~= Fruitchain
- no sortition
- tx blocks POW hardness is low to get high throughput
- proposer blocks POW is high to get high security
- ~= Fruitchain
9. Scaling Latency¶
- Bitcoin’s latency is security limited
- for \(\epsilon\) security (resp. to private attack), need \(k\) deep confirmation where
- \(\epsilon = e^{-ck},~c=-\ln(4\alpha\beta)\)
- the latency is thus given by \(\tau=\frac{k}{\alpha\lambda}=O(\frac{1}{\lambda}\log \frac{1}{\epsilon})\)
- upperbound on error probability,
- for \(\epsilon\) security (resp. to private attack), need \(k\) deep confirmation where
- Prism
- voter trees (similar to boosting in ML, use LoLN)
- \(O(\frac{1}{\lambda})\) with the confirmation rule
10. Scales Horizontally (Sharding)¶
- Key Observation:
- Data Availability + Total Ordering is enough
- Validity can be left to honest nodes and state commitment (if sharded)
- Multiconsensus
- Protocol
- Node to Shard Allocation(N2S) engine(SOTA: Randhound (TODO) )
- Consensus per Shard
- Examples
- Elastico, rapidchain and Omniledger
- Ethereum 2.0 and Polkadot
- Cons
- Shard number cannot be large to guarantee adversial count
- Subjective to Adaptive Adversary
- Protocol
- Uniconsensus
- Protocol
- Consensus is mentained by all nodes, data are stored by shards
- DSA (Dynamic Self Allocation) algorithm
- Examples
- Free2Shard(Prism + Tx Blocks Sharded) (TODO)
- Aspen, Nightshade (TODO)
- Lazyledger (Client Validation + Data Availability Consensus) (TODO)
- Zilliqa partition validation
- Polyshard use coded storage + computation (TODO)
- Protocol
- Bootstraping uniconsensus chain
- problem, cannot trust shard majority
- state commitment + proof of fraud
- State roots to reduce size
- Merle Patricia Tries (see Ethereum Yellow paper)
- Truebit, Arbitrum style binary searching to give fraud proof
- State roots to reduce size
- X-shard TX
- atomic swap (timeout/abort)
- example: Atomix, Omniledger
11. Scales externally¶
- Payment Channel
- New primitives
- mltisig
- hash lock
- time lock
- Do off chain atomic swap (update secret to share new tx)
- New primitives
- Side Blockchain
- Face similar (if not identical) problem to uniconsensus sharding
- Data availability problem
- the problem is fatal compared to light clients
- proposer need to decide whether to include the pointer
- Fraud and data availability proofs: Maximising light client security and scaling blockchains with dishonest majorities (TODO)
- the problem is fatal compared to light clients
- Data availability oracle
- SOTA: Authenticated Coded Dispersal (ACeD) (TODO)
- make use of CIT(Coded Interleaving Tree) similar to CMT but push instead of pull
12. Scaling Energe with PoS¶
- Naive Attempts
- \(H(hash_{prev}, merkle\_root, pk_n) < T · stake\)
- root as nonce
- \(H(hash_{prev}, pk_n) < T · stake\)
- no liveness
- \(H(hash_{prev}, ts, pk_n) < T · stake\)
- predictibility
- \(VRF(hash_{prev},ts,sk_n) < T · stake\)
- \(H(hash_{prev}, merkle\_root, pk_n) < T · stake\)
- Resigning the Previous Blocks (???)
- (But Blocks are hash linked)
- Solution: KES
- (But can still save past pk and give to adaptive adversary)
- Nothing at Stake
- threshold = \(\frac{1}{1+e} \approx 26.89%\)
- Boosting the threshold
- Ouroboros PoS
- \(VRF(hash_{genesis},ts,sk_n) < T · stake\)
- Vulurable to bribing
- c-Correlation PoS
- change hash every c blocks
- \(VRF(RandSource(parent),ts,sk_n) < T · stake\)
- smooth transition
- Ouroboros PoS
- Dynamic Stake
- Transfer fund between accounts in owned blocks (pk as nonce)
- solution => s-truncated longest chain
- calculate the s blocks after the fork, quicker => win
- To start dynamic stake attack, it has to control all blocks mined with only small advantage
- calculate the s blocks after the fork, quicker => win
- My Remarks
- How is using ts safe? (time interval large enough to match \(\Delta\)?)
- Does s-truncated longest chain satisfy the safety and liveness guarantee?
- Dynamic Availability Using VDF
- problem: time machine! mining past blocks is almost costless
- VDF assuming a bounded CPU speed
- VRF given time bound L i.e. \(f^{t=L}(x)\) is a R.V.!
- \(VDF(RandSource(parent),ts,sk_n) < T · stake\)
- Long range attack (Solved?)
- bride past stake
- fixed by ?
- checkpoint
- My Remarks
- The defense of long range attack seems open
13. Transaction order fairness¶
- Possible Defs for Fair Orderings of Transactions
- Attempt
- k deep block can have k view of tx ordering
- aggregate them get a ordering
- Possible Application: Zero-Block Confirmation (In ref.)
- Reference
- Order-Fair Consensus in the Permissionless Setting
- My Remarks
- seems an open direction (less technical arguments)
- consider "all miners" are malicious in tx ordering would be a more practical assumption
- use game theory to solve!
Module 3: Beyond Bitcoin¶
14. Blockchain protocols with finality: Streamlet and HotStuf¶
Nakamoto-like favors liveness, while PBFT-like favors safety.
Note: for this lecture, the slide is much more readible.
- Nakamoto-like
- Probabilistic Safety Guarantee, Synchronous Network Assumption
- Can we offer finality, and even if the network is not synchronous?
- General Setting for PBFT protocols
- permissioned, \(n\) fixed
- proposer can be chosen randomly (RandHood) or round robin
- need \(f < \frac{1}{3}\) (consider signature hiding)
- When 2f+1 votes exist on a block they can form a Quorum Certificate (QC).
A naive textbook protocol - - Assumptions - partial sync (exists GST) - echo - rounds operate in lock-step with \(2\Delta\) duration - each node broadcast the message it receives to others - Protocol (in round, exists given partial sync) - proposal extends the longest notarized chain - all nodes vote (sign) for the first proposal they see from the round’s proposer if it extends their longest notarized chain(s). - When a block gains votes from more than \(\frac{2n}{3}\) distinct nodes, it becomes notarized. - Core Properties - Safety - The Hide and Reveal Attack - reveal blocks only to \(\frac{2}{3}-f < x < \frac{2}{3}\) nodes - 3-chain rule is safe - Given 3 consecutive blocks, the middle one can be confirmed - Proof correctness by contraction of two possible cases - Liveness - Once there are 5 consecutive rounds of honest proposers, a new honest block will be confirmed (the first two can be not notarized) - Echo is required or attacker can hide infinitely long and trick a node into dead lock - Notice that it progresses only during "periods of synchrony" - => await the slowest, not responsive - Efficiency - Message complexity: \(N^2(B+NV)\) - Delay: \(\approx 15 \Delta\) - from 5 consecutive rounds (\(2\Delta\)) of honest majority - better than BTC
- Contribution: First PBFT protocol that achieves
- Linearity (of message complexity)
- Responsiveness (advance at the speed of network delay)
- Chain Quality
- Assumption
- Protocol
- HighQC: QC with highest epoch number (for node i)
- A block is linked to its parent via the parent's QC
- Algo
- A leader extends its HighQC
- on receiving a new QC
- A node votes for the proposal if it extends its highQC
- the vote is only sent to the next leader
- Final if 3-chain rule satisfied
- A leader extends its HighQC
- Core Properties
- Safety (same as Streamlet)
- Liveness (responsive for event (new QC) driven))
- Efficiency
- Communication Complexity
- Nodes only send message to next proposer \(O(N(B+V))\) (with cosig)
- Delay: Responsive
- Communication Complexity
- Details and Notes
- This is the protocol behind Diem (facebook => meta => silvergate)
- comparison to tendermint and casper (2-chain rule + partial sync => waiting)
- PaceMaker for proposer election
- Chained Hotstuff for parallelization
- This is the protocol behind Diem (facebook => meta => silvergate)
- My Remarks
- The leader is predictible thus adaptive corruptable!!
- All leader-based protocols violate liveness unless a leader cannot proof it is leader and get corrupted
- e.g. POW (sealed block), Snow Consensus
- Protocol Forensics
- Can detect \(\frac{n}{3}\) double signing behavior if a fork ever happens
- Conclusions
- A permissionless architecture and is robust to adaptive adversaries
- Liveness is weakened to favor security (finality)
- Honest participation is needed now, unlike the longest chain protocol that allowed dynamic participation and even a single honest miner ensured liveness.
- How to have both finality and dynamic availability (liveness even under varying participation levels of honest nodes) is the topic of L16.