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Note: - Cover Advanced Topics if time available


  • tree + heap
  • tree for data
  • heap for shape
  • balanced on average if priority is assigned randomly

Binary Search Tree

- data structure for binaray search - $\mathrm{left child < parent < right child \quad \forall nodes}$ - insert, delete, search for element - $O(\text{height})$ - problem : degenerate(退化)

degenerate BST

- this tree is inserted with in the order of [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] - degenerate to linked list, $O(\text{height}) = O(n)$


  • \(\mathrm{parent > children \quad \forall nodes}\)


- a node consists of key and priority - key : tree - $\mathrm{key_{left\ child} < key_{parent} < key_{right\ child} \quad\forall nodes}$ - priority : heap - $\mathrm{priority_{parent} > priority_{children} \quad\forall\ nodes}$

Balance Property

- Observation : root is inserted before children in BST - $\mathrm{priority_{parent} > priority_{children} \quad \forall nodes}$ - View as a BST whose insertion order is decided by priorities(larger-> earlier) - why balance? - priority is given randomly $\implies$ is balanced on average

Note: - a single proof for balance property - insertion is decided by piority, larger priority -> inserted earlier - emphasize priority decide insertion order if view tree as final tree - randomized BST - size as probability weight implementation - when merge, \(\Pr(a ~\text{as root}) = \frac{\text{size}(a)}{\text{size}(a)+\text{size}(b)}\) - more rand() calls but use less memory


  • Easy to code balanced BST
  • Merge / Split operation
  • Implicit Treap
  • Serve as powerful interval tree(線段樹)
  • Free to add additional features!
  • Implementation details will be cover later

Note: - interval tree? segment tree? 名稱緣由 - Should give a sense that treap is strong - talk about merge/split a little - details should be cover in implementation

Implicit Treap

  • idea : index as key
  • blanced array
  • text-editor (rope)

Note: - when implement, record size instead of index - interval information maintain

Treap as interval tree

- implicit treap with extra information - interval(subtree) min/max/sum - interval fold with *associative law* (結合律) $G(S,*)~\text{s.t.}~\forall a, b, c\in S,\ a*b*c\ =\ (a*b)*c\ =\ a*(b*c)$ - lazy mark (support nterval update) - more! - delete interval - insert interval

Note: - talk about concept of merge and split - cover details and code later

Interval Treap

Note: - Each point is array value itself and record the interval information of its subtree


- Merge-split Treap - Treap Node - pri, key (or size), val - (optional) lazy mark - Basic Operations - merge, split - insert, delete (combine merge and split to achieve) - pull, push (for interval tree)

Note:(can mention a little) - We use merge-split treap most of the time - advantages: - easy to code (~iterval tree) - more powerful (merge and split supported) - downsides: - constant bigger than rotate treap

Treap Node Code

struct Node
  int pri, key, sz, val;
  Node *lc, *rc;
  //syntax sugar
  Node(int val, int key) :pri(rand()), key(key), sz(1), val(val), mark(0) {};
  Node(int val) :pri(rand()), sz(1), val(val), mark(0) {};
- hint : without ```srand(time(NULL))``` sometimes get TLE - Node means subTreap

Note: - if no srand, rand() result is predictible by problem setter - and problem setter can 搞你 - Node in merge-split Treap can be seen as subtree rooted at that Node

Basic Operations

- merge - merge treap A and treap B - $\text{key}_a < \text{key}_b \quad \forall a \in A,\ b \in B$ - split - split treap C to treap A and treap B by key value **k** - $\text{key}_a \leqslant k < \text{key}_b \quad \forall a \in A,\ b \in B$ - inverse operations, both are $O(\log(n))$ in expectation - merge + split combinations


  • priority大的當根, 剩下交給子樹處理

  • 很清楚的是\(O(\log(n))\)
  • 注意到左右永不混雜


- merge trees rooted at a and b, return merged tree root - $\text{key}_a < \text{key}_b \quad \forall a \in A, b \in B$ - implicit treap? - No Change, why?
Node* merge(Node* a, Node* b) //key a < key b
    if (!a) return b; //base case
    if (!b) return a;
    if(a>pri > b>pri)//pri a bigger => a as root
        a>r = merge(a>r, b); //key b bigger => merge b and rc of a
        return a;
    //b as root
    b>l = merge(a, b>l); //key a smaller => merge a and lc of b
    return b;

Note: - Merge preserve BST order, so when still work on implicit key


  • split treap C to treap A and treap B by key value k
  • 如果當前的根的key \(\leq\) k
  • 根及左子樹都屬於A, 右邊再討論
  • 遞迴右邊的結果要接回根當前根的右邊


  • split treap C to treap A and treap B by key value k
  • \(\text{key}_a \leqslant k < \text{key}_b \quad \forall a \in A,\ b \in B\)
  • Q : why heap property still holds
void split(Node* c, int k, Node*& a, Node*& b) 
  if (!c) a = b = nullptr; //base case
  else if (c>key <= k)
  { //key of c is smaller than k =>
    a = c;
    split(c>r, k, a>r, b);
    b = c;
    split(c>l, k, a, b>l);

Note: - result will store in a, b (passed by reference) - Answer of Q : because all nodes' children are deeper than themself - No need to judge priority!!

Split - Implicit Treap

  • implicit treap?
  • record size and change k while cutting

Note: - try to code yourself


  • Insert(C, x)
  • Split(C, x, A, B)
  • Merge(Merge(A, x), B)
  • get AxB
  • insert interval?

Note: - interval(as treap) is nothing special


  • Delete(C, x)
  • Split(C, <x, A, B), Split(C, x, D, E)
  • Merge(A, E)
  • get A(no x)E
  • delete interval?...delete "single x"?

Note: - Answer to delete a single x : D = find(C, x), D = Merge(D->lc, D->rc)

For Interval Treap

  • very similar to interval tree
  • check validity of information!
  • write push and pull function for clarity
    • push (down)
      • before use subtrees
      • 根處理好了剩下「推」給子樹處理
    • pull (up)
      • when merge subtrees
      • 子樹處理好的資訊「拉」上來

Note: - 叫pull up的時候資訊一定要是對的 - 叫push dpwn的時候自己要處理好

Example (POJ 3580 Super Memo)

void add_(Node *&root, int l, int r, int x)
  Node *a, *b, *c, *d;
  split(root, r, a, b); //a = [1, r]
  split(a, l-1, c, d); //d = [l, r]
  d->addv += x;
  root = merge(merge(c, d), b);
Node *merge(Node *a, Node *b) //key a < key b
  if(!a) return b;
  if(!b) return a;
  if(a->pri > b->pri)
    a->rc = merge(a->rc, b);
    return a;
  b->lc = merge(a, b->lc);
  return b;
void push(Node *a)
  if(!a) return;
    swap(a->lc, a->rc);
    if(a->lc) a->lc->rev ^= 1;
    if(a->rc) a->rc->rev ^= 1;
    a->rev = false;
  if(a->addv != 0)
    a->val += a->addv;
    a->minv += a->addv;
    if(a->lc) a->lc->addv += a->addv;
    if(a->rc) a->rc->addv += a->addv;
    a->addv = 0;
void pull(Node *a)
  a->sz = sz(a->lc) + sz(a->rc) + 1;
  a->minv = a->val;
  //key : push children before pull (maintain inside) or consider addv lazy mark
  if(a->lc) a->minv = min(a->minv, a->lc->minv + a->lc->addv);
  if(a->rc) a->minv = min(a->minv, a->rc->minv + a->rc->addv);

Note: - From my AC code - 21277193 maxwill 3580 Accepted 6140K 1532MS G++ 4975B 2020-01-29 13:41:32

PBDS and Rope

  • pbds BST : binary search tree
  • rope : text editor, implicit BST
  • 如果必須實作, ICPC 可以帶模板 但是要夠熟悉賽場上才容易寫得出來變化題
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
#include <ext/rope>
using namespace __gnu_cxx;

typedef tree<int,null_type,less<int>,rb_tree_tag,
tree_order_statistics_node_update> ordered_set;

Note: - pbds is strong, if only need basic treap op (find kth), pbds/rope is enough - ICPC 是可以帶模板的, 但是要夠熟悉賽場上才容易寫得出來變化題 - quick introduction and jump to details

pbds BST example

  • support find_by_order and order_of_key
ordered_set X;

cout<<*X.find_by_order(1)<<endl; // 2
cout<<*X.find_by_order(2)<<endl; // 4
cout<<*X.find_by_order(4)<<endl; // 16
cout<<(end(X)==X.find_by_order(6))<<endl; // true

cout<<X.order_of_key(-5)<<endl;  // 0
cout<<X.order_of_key(1)<<endl;   // 0
cout<<X.order_of_key(3)<<endl;   // 2
cout<<X.order_of_key(400)<<endl; // 5

rope example

  • text-editor-like
typedef rope<char> crope; //crope = rope<char>
rope<int> rp, a, b, c;
rp.insert(pos, x);  //insert x at position pos
rp.erase(pos, x);   //erase x elements from pos
rp.replace(pos, x); //from position pos replace with x
rp.substr(pos, x);  //rp[pos:pos+x]
rp.copy(pos, x, s); //from position pos to pos+x replace with s
a = b + c; //concat
  • bulit-in Copy-on-Write
rope<int> *his[100000];
his[i] = new rope<int> (*his[i - 1]);

Advanced Topics

- handle duplication (multi-set) - Copy-on-Write (可持久化) - history of tree (just like git) - concept : only copy what need to be copied - $O(\log(n))$ new nodes per patch - example : ASK(version, kth, l, r) + Update + Online


POJ 3580 SuperMemo

- Operations: - ADD x y D - REVERSE x y - REVOLVE x y T - INSERT x P - DELETE x - MIN x y - Implicit Treap -> AC - Good practice problem for interval operations - Think : how to SUM x y

Note: - SUM x, y => care ADD lazy mark (interval val += interval size*addv) - sample solution?

UVa 12538 Version Controlled IDE

- Operatons: - Start with empty string - insert interval to position x - delete interval - Rope + Copy-on-Write = AC! - Challenge: - treap - what if add operation like reverse(rope and treap)


  • Treap is a powerful data structure in competitive programming
  • However, many problems that can be solved by Treap have alternatives
  • Get familiar with this powerful tool and strengthen your mind

Note: - - Treap/BIT/greedy/fastest O(n)


Thanks All

Last update: 2023-09-15